Phone: 07 856 0127
Mobile: 022 398 4516
All of our teachers are fully qualified early childhood teachers

Danno Orman
Lead Teacher
Kia Ora, I’m Danno and I have been in Early Childhood now for 8 years. Previously, I was an Aircraft Engineer, working on, teaching about and building aircraft both in NZ and overseas (I worked for 10 years in Saudi Arabia).
Consequently, I am well-travelled and have taught and lived in different cultures.I have a passion for the outdoors and sports and a mechanical aptitude that underlines my practice.I have a respectful and explorative nature and this comes through in my teaching.
I really love that we have a nature programme in our centre, exploring nature, tweaking curiosityand incorporating safe risks and challenges!

Donna Towner
Lead Teacher
Kia Ora my name is Donna, I am an experienced passionate Teacher who has worked in Early
Education for 20 years.
Establishing and maintaining positive relationships are at the fore front of my values and is a
strength in my practice. It is through warm, caring interactions with children where belonging and
wellbeing are established, I am able to enjoy learning about children’s individual interests, talents
and abilities and their personalities can be enjoyed and celebrated. I know how important children’s earliest years are as the foundations for life, success and happiness. I have a strong passion that the environment plays a critical role. The environment needs to be welcoming and inviting where children and families feel a “sense of being at home”. For children an
environment that provokes curiosity, wonder, exploration and excitement, where learning naturally
takes place.